Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blog 3

I am still waiting for my next wrestling season to start and I am using the free time I have to my advantage by working out, getting caught up in my schooling, and raising my grades. Loni is coming back from the island of Tonga to Anaheim, California once again this SaturdayFebruary 29th. Loni promised me that he would help me with working out when he gets back so I am pumped up for that. I can't wait for him to come back and also his cute son Taulanga. One look from his son Taulanga can and will make your day. Loni and his son are truly relatable in many ways like for instance their bodies relate. It's quite funny because Taulanga looks super strong for his age. I have been thinking about a lot of traits successful people have and those traits include things like not giving up even if a task or goal seems unrealistic or unreasonable. I truly believe that all successful people have all failed at least once before, because you truly can't succeed unless you have failed before or have failed during the process of success and then used a strong will power to stand up and keep trying even if your goal seems unreachable.